BollyInside: Riding the wave of consolidation

Fewer independent satellite operators will make it more difficult for new operators to enter the market, according to analysts at Northern Sky Research. Future participants will also likely struggle to come up with the same abilities as those who have joined forces. However, even if fewer operators mean less competition to lower prices, NSR analysts.

BollyInside: NSR Global Space Economy Report Projects $1.25 Trillion

However, by decade’s end, NGSE2 observes Satellite Communications Services overtaking Infrastructure to become the dominant market in terms of annual revenues. From segments such as Mobility (aero, maritime, land) to Enterprise Data and Gov/Mil, the upside for Satellite Communications Services is significant as more/flexible satellites are launched and an increasingly virtual, 5G-enabled and cloud-based ground.

Bollyinside: Fly over 57,500 passengers into space by 2031

As the most stable and lucrative segment through 2031, Orbital Travel is set to capture 66% of total revenue opportunity. Orbital Travel has strong government support with initiatives such as the Commercial Crew program and commercial company led Space Station development. High ticket prices, coupled with very strong demand, results in a fast-growing market, even amongst delays.

BollyInside: Satellite capacity prices stabilize, but LEO and VHTS competition looming points to renewed pressure

“While contract renegotiations took place across the satcom value chain to address a black-swan drop in demand, unit pricing nears stabilization across several sectors, as forecasted by NSR in previous editions of this report,” states NSR in BollyInside article: Satellite capacity prices stabilize, but LEO and VHTS competition looming points to renewed pressure. “In this.