Via Satellite: Analyzing Short to Long-Term Trends in Satellite Capacity

In its Satellite Capacity Pricing Index report (SCPI7) NSR deep-dives into major aspects modulating bandwidth pricing per application, frequency band and region. Let us look into key pricing trends for the short, medium and long term. While applications and frequency bands exhibit distinct pricing trends per region, we can identify general patterns…

Illinois News Live: Cloud computing with satellite adoption triggers

NSR’s latest report as cloud computing continues to be adopted Cloud computing via satellite, 2nd Edition (CCvS2) We forecast cumulative cloud service revenue of $ 21 billion by 2030 across four major market segments. The imminent wave of both LEO, MEO and GEO-HTS satellite communications services is set to predict 233 exabytes of traffic, significantly drive long-term cloud.

Will LEOs De-Stabilize the Satellite Capacity Ecosystem?

LEOs are a reality. After years of speculation and doubts, several NGSO projects are materializing. Both Starlink and OneWeb continue their aggressive launch schedule with initial service tests. mPower is getting ready for launch with auspicious pre-commitments. Telesat manufacturer selection and progress in financing lowers the risk of the constellation. Kuiper continues moving forward with.

More Space Data Means More Cloud

A surge of NewSpace startups and traditional companies alike have leveraged cloud services to reduce lead time and grow revenues across the space industry. According to NSR’s Cloud Computing via Satellite, 2nd Edition report, Communications and Earth Observation are identified as the biggest opportunities in this market. Together they account for $18B of the projected.