SpaceNews: OQ Technology secures launches for propriety satellites as connected device market ramps up

As the connected device market Smallsat ramps up, IoT companies have moved from design plans to real commercial service in the last couple of years, [NSR] noted. In addition to recent satellite launches, an increasing number of partnerships are targeting specific applications, such as mining and agriculture, are also moving ahead. “With these launches and.

Satnews: NSR: Finally Time for Optical Satcom?

Commercially, today’s Optical Satcom market is in the process of customer trials with equipment manufacturers dedicating intensive capital resources towards their production lines to meet the oncoming constellation and UAS demand.  Within five years, a greater supply of space-verified and competitive laser communication equipment (for all sizes) will enter the market, as seen from planned.

Smallsats: Which Pathway to the Stars?

As the satellite industry continues to be captivated by rising smallsat popularity, trends and practices are taking hold that will direct the path to sustained success. Many commercial players are pursuing high volume constellations, while militaries are considering ad-hoc projects, universities increasing lead their own missions, and government players look to complement other assets. At.