ViaSatellite: NSR’s 10 Takeaways from SATELLITE 2021

The space and satellite industry got back together in person at SATELLITE 2021 with a lot to discuss, as progress has not slowed down since March 2020. This year, topics like ground station standardization, vertical integration, and consolidation drove conversations. Here are NSR’s 10 takeaways from the show…..

The Changing Satellite Supply Chain

The COVID-19 pandemic triggered a slowdown of most operational activities along the satellite manufacturing value chain. In the early pandemic days, manufacturing facilities had to put their activities on hold, and launches were delayed due to the interdependence of actors in the supply chain from both sides and the restraints put on personnel movement. This.

Building the Future (LEO?) Space Economy

As the Space and Satellite Industry starts to meet again “in-person” at events like the 36th Annual Space Symposium – just what does the future look like for the space economy? 2020 and 2021 have been transformative years characterized by a truly massive number of satellites launched by ‘new players’ such as SpaceX’s Starlink, a.

VC’s and Space: A Patience Play

Investments in the emerging space economy are on the rise, reaching levels higher than ever before. A significant fraction of the total investments in NewSpace companies is limited to a few at the top across market segments. But there is also a flurry of companies founded in the Launch, Manufacturing and Geospatial Analytics market segments.