Earth’s watchdogs: Satellites leading the charge against climate change

The growing global awareness and imperative to address climate challenges has made Earth Observation (EO) a critical asset for businesses and governments worldwide in their quest to combat climate change effectively. Indeed, EO serves as a vital tool for monitoring climate change. To address climate challenges, assesses vulnerabilities, and manage disasters, EO has become a.

NSR’s Top 10 Predictions for 2023

As the space industry embarks on perhaps its most transformational year yet, we at NSR thought it would be a great time to make bold predictions on the year ahead. The predictions provided herein range across the satellite & space market, but one trend is clear: never before has such change been thrust upon the.

Non-Imagery EO Data: Golden Ticket or Pipe Dream?

Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) applications are a major driver for Earth Observation (EO) markets, but the overarching question on demand for non-imagery sources in the long-term, and the size of the opportunity is still front and center.