The Ground Segment Di(LEO)mma

LEOs are transforming the satellite industry, and the ground segment is no different. While the opportunity for equipment vendors is massive, it is not absent of risks. Non-GEOs will certainly unlock new areas of growth where equipment vendors can capture a portion of the value.  However, participating in the NGSO ecosystem requires heavy R&D efforts.

Does the Circle Close for Starlink?

As recognized on multiple occasions by Elon Musk, the Ground Segment, lowering end user terminal costs is probably “the most difficult technical challenge” Starlink is facing. In fact, this is the key to unlocking the Consumer Broadband market, not just for Starlink but for all the LEO constellations. The Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF) won.

5G Satellite-to-Device Connectivity

Direct satellite connectivity to Mobile, at affordable prices, has been one of the moonshot objectives of the industry for many years. Leveraging the advances in 5G, multiple projects are pursuing this vision, attracting huge levels of interest in its way (AST & Science going public through a SPAC valuing the company at $1.8B). But what.

Succeeding in the Satcom Transition to 5G

The wide Telecommunications industry is on the verge of a major transformation with the arrival of 5G. Satcom is no different and 5G represents an extraordinary window of opportunity for becoming a mainstream solution. How can Satcom maximize this opportunity? With COVID-19 we might have lost sight of a big inflexion point in 2020: the.