Can Non-GEO HTS Beat Fiber Economics?

Authors: Christopher Baugh | Carlos Placido (independent adviser) The inter-play between telecom and satellite operators connecting remote points on Earth is a well-established, niche business. Telecom and satellite ecosystems have cooperated for decades as satellites adapted roles from serving international trunks, to jumpstarting Internet backbone connections in developing regions, to supporting domestic backhauling for wireless.

Cruising to Higher Bandwidth

Today, the passenger maritime segment is one of the best-connected satellite-enabled end-users around. With record-breaking throughputs in the news over the last 12 months, the passenger maritime sector continues to provision vessels with higher and higher data rates.

A (LEO) Race to the Bottom?

With the satcom industry moving to network applications and integrated service business models, the price-demand equation has changed considerably over the last 5 years.