
Flat Panel Antennas: The Holy Grail of HTS Success?

The steamroller of HTS capacity, combined with falling transponder prices, requires a thoughtful assessment of the critical technologies expected to play a key role in closing the business case for satellite operators.  Today, the satellite industry seeks to further its growth by accessing markets such as M2M/IoT, consumer broadband and mobility, and the ground equipment via flat panel antennas (FPA) may reveal itself as a vital piece of the puzzle. Through NSR’s Flat Panel Satellite Antenna Analysis report, built on NSR’s leadership in HTS markets, this webinar delved deep into antenna technology and its impact on the emerging capacity markets.

Highlighting key trends from the first and only report available on FPAs, NSR’s webinar explores issues that service providers, antenna manufacturers, and satellite operators will face in the years to come:

  • What is the state of play in FPAs?
  • What are the main markets for FPAs?
  • The impact of partnerships for FPA market success
  • The importance of FPAs in LEO constellation plans
  • And finally, will low-profile FPAs be the revolutionary product the satellite industry has been waiting for?

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