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Mortgage Pic: NSR Satellite Backhaul Report Projects Entering Market In Execution Phase With Revenue Growing 12.9% YoY

NSR Newly Released [Wireless Backhaul via Satellite, 16th Edition ] finds the satellite wireless connectivity market entering a major period of implementation with revenue growth of 12.9% YoY. Just scratching the surface of opportunity, this segment is targeting a total unserved addressable market of 28.4 Tbps compared to the current total capacity demand of approx. 600 gigabits per second. Bridging the gap between current demand and this massive addressable market is critical to LEO, MEO, GEO satellite business plans and in all regions.

In general, value chain transformation is taking place as satellite operators move downstream, sometimes through acquisitions or investments such as Intelsat/AMN, or the latest Hispasat/Axess, but also service providers gaining their own capabilities such as PDI/Astranis or Andesat/Astranis. As the market continues to evolve, partnering with the right ecosystem will be key to survival.